You are in severe financial distress and have struggled with debt for a while, hoping that things would turn around or get easier to manage. Now, you're tired of running on hope and desperation. You want some answers.
There's no shortage of information on bankruptcy and debt relief in the world, but all the information on the Web won't take the individual circumstances of your financial situation into account. For answers that address your questions and your concerns, contact Jean Roche, P.C.
Lawyer Jean Roche draws from over 28 years of experience with individual consumer and small business liquidation (Chapter 7) and reorganization (Chapter 13) bankruptcies in Dallas and Plano. She offers her clients confidential, one-on-one legal support and financial recovery planning.
In Brief: The Benefits Of Bankruptcy
Immediately upon filing bankruptcy, you receive an automatic stay, which prevents creditors from continuing to call and harass you. The automatic stay also protects from foreclosure, judgment liens, vehicle repossessions, wage garnishments and lawsuits. When the bankruptcy is complete, qualifying unsecured debts are discharged, meaning that you no longer have to pay them.
What To Consider When You're Considering Bankruptcy
The decision to file bankruptcy is complicated, and which chapter you should file depends on several factors. Your income and the types of assets that you hold will qualify you for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is commonly filed by individuals and businesses, while Chapter 13 can only be filed by individuals.
Other deciding factors are the nature of your debt and your intentions for the future. Are you filing to relieve personal debt, or debt incurred by a business that you manage? Are you looking for a fresh start, or are you hoping to save and continue operating your business? Do you need immediate relief for a specific problem, like foreclosure or eviction?
Ms. Roche will discuss your situation with you, make sure that you understand your legal options and prepare you for filing bankruptcy or for pursuing an alternative if advantageous to do so.
Contact A Dallas Bankruptcy Lawyer
To regain control over your finances, schedule a free consultation with consumer bankruptcy and business bankruptcy attorney Jean Roche. Call 708-427-4882 for more information.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.